Random pics

Off topicProgramming → Random pics



Code by lilneo

Write a program that calls functions Roof(), Base (), and Walk() to display:

			  / \
                         /   \
                        /____ \
                       |      |
#include <iostream>

#define my using
#define house namespace
#define wins std
#define is {
#define a }
#define MAGIC void
#define COOL int
#define iwin ;
#define besthouse cin.get()
#define best cout<<
#define roof "  / \\ \n /   \\ \n/_____\\ \n"
#define base "|     |\n|_____|\n"
#define walk "**************\n"
#define ever return

					house 	wins
				iwin 	MAGIC 	Roof() is 	
			best 	roof 	iwin 	a 	MAGIC
		Base()						is 
		best						base 
		iwin						a 
		MAGIC						Walk() 
		is						best 
		walk						iwin 
		a						COOL 
		main() is Roof() iwin Base() iwin Walk() iwin besthouse iwin ever 0 iwin a
Here is my best programming ever! [insert programming joke here]
new jk: urmomizjk.jk

lol jk: JKScript
lol jk ur mom

JKScript = jk lel
:P jk iz jk
can i haz jkscript
dl jkscript NOWWW!?!?!?!?!
nop. lol jk

iz fat jk dw

lol jk mk disMeFirschtJk 2 jk ur mom
I love you.
iz fat jk dw

sayz jk disMeFirschtJk
lel jk

start jk u !!!
ur mom iz so fat lel jk dw
can i haz 4givines?!??!??!
falsify-last-line --start-compile jkscript urmomizjk.jk
i luv u bb lel can i haz mawwy? lol jk XD
This will be the new 9gag.
Haha nice thread @PanFritz XD
I had a few months of youtube sucking and it buffered alot of it very very fast. then stopped buffering all together and it was so fucking frustrating -.-
Pan… Youtube sucking on dat buffer dick. ooooooo 720 noscoped MLG MLGPRO
Would have been funnier with this picture weed

image Fd2uqqc
image esSzcOF
image Udfbq7g
image oIXWwU1
image WrTEuxQ
image 2n0XLQd
image lIAX1TS
image 4VhQp8C
image rCqiFcj
image gQAukp8
image wFyFRcY
image 0NCFAu4
image ITYTXzE
image q2kNgyG
image 36nRawP
image HA6o0iI
image bgt1GW0
image Nn2QfZ1
image TLdeMBE
image qeWWAr9
image AJvQzh3
image FD8tKMD
image eComSPB
image zo4503i
image ZYBpYBJ
image 3wZKjhZ
image QAoAbTj
image 5VGZhUW

jomo: fixed images for you

@PyjamaL1ama I had nuffin else to do, my videos were uploading.


Use the image syntax bruh

Ah, well now the images are fixed! I said that because it was a massive load of links :P
That image was a real image, and the derp program was a real result of me programming in C.

The only reason im here is to get notifications on these

Ps. xD @Aberdeener noice one

SHOWCASE Random pics

not reply to them

@Nyxis Or install a Linux distro instead.
@HitzCritz ![](image link ending in .png or .jpg)
@HitzCritz The issue is that it’s a Macbook : ‘)
sigh this one’s in the gallery and I cba to mess with the text formatting so just have the link https://m.imgur.com/gallery/KvsXO
I want more!!! and i am just commenting for the notifications

First off, go fuck yourself. Second off since im already here to tell you that here you go you twat.
