Beacon Rule

ArchivesFeature requests → Beacon Rule


Yo Anyone flying around the creative world will eventually find a plot with a beacon on it, absolutely nothing wrong with it you don’t care. Put an effect on that beacon and the story changes. You gain annoying particle effects, have your field of view changed, jump boost effected and your inventory shifts across, all of which are very irritating especially if the person in the plot next to you has one of them. To eliminate these annoyances I propose that we disallow effects on beacons.

This should make the plotworld better in a small way, it’s a problem not many people have noticed or complained about but I reckon it would make a positive difference.

Leave a vote below! Shall we implement this new rule or is it ok as it is?

I have no authority… but I disagree with the rule. Some people may find speed or jump boost helpful when navigating through their redstone plot. Maybe just one effect per plot?
this is stupid and your problem deal with it
I think I agree with this actually c:



jump boost

Custom jump potions

Get rekt.

this is stupid and your problem deal with it

Not just his problem. I despise this and think it should be banned too. 3 against two, both if you get rekt.

alternatively you could have beacons being bound to the plot which they are in, it’s mainly for people who have a plot next to someone (who is usually inactive) with a speed beacons - it’s really annoying
We could find a way to only allow the effects to be activated in that certain plot or you just stay on your own plot and don’t go flying over that persons plot! On this topic who’s plot was it?
@Armadillo28 i thought that was how it was anyway?
just something i’ve noticed being around for a while, no one in particular (i also suggested your idea in the post above you :p)

I agree with @Armadillo28 and @ABritishGamer_.

Want speed?

Use /speed.

Want Jump Boost?

Use jump boost potions.

It is not just a problem for one person, but this negatively affects a lot of people. I hate this, and think it should be removed.

ok so beacons have limited ranges right, so instead of banning them totally or having to write a plugin to stop the effects crossing plot boundaries, can we not just add a rule to make sure they are placed so that the effects don’t extend onto anyone elses plot? would that solve the problem?
we could do that but it would require more time and reinforcement than the others
true, but if a plot owner had an issue they could just post the details and we could move or delete the offending beacon without much trouble.

Want speed? Use /speed.

Only trusted+ have that

I agree with having beacons with effects banned, but only if they extend to another plot, but that would be annoying to try to enforce. I think banning beacons with effects all together. As stated before, use sped potions for speed, jump potions for jump boost, If you want those effects all the time, you could ask a mod to give it to you forever with /effect.

Only Trusted+ have that

No. I have been using /speed for ever. But yes, I agree with you.

Yeah, /speed is builder+

To have it not extend to another plot/road i did a bit of testing a while back and it has to be in the very middle of your plot

The easiest way to find the middle is to select 2 opposite corners on your plot with world edit and do //center glowstone

Yeah a max size beacon in the middle wouldn’t cause issues, smaller beacons affect smaller areas and so could be placed off centre. I honestly don’t understand why this would be hard to enforce for staff. If we receive a complaint we simply go to the place in question and see if the effects spill onto other plots, if so we remove the offending beacon. Seems to me that would be easier than having to give effects out all the time. Also I think these effects are sometimes intended to only be for short periods in parkour builds right?

can we not just add a rule to make sure they are placed so that the effects don’t extend onto anyone elses plot? would that solve the problem?

Is this just for beacons with effects?

if it became a rule then yes it would only be for beacons with effects I think. at the moment this is still under discussion, will try to get the staff team to make a decision in the next couple of days and put any changes into the rules info page.

I think 1 beacon per plot could be allowed if the user so desires, though it should be in the exact center of the plot. The area affected by the beacon is if I’m not mistaken cubic and is about 121x121x? The plots are each 101x101 so it would extend 10 blocks out from each plot, which would hit just the first block of the plots next to it. I am not sure tho, the area could also be 60x60x?

I also think that even if the beacon has no effect, if you have many it tends to lower your framerates ridiculously. So how about this: If a beacon has some effect, put it close to the center. Otherwise, put it anywhere, but no more than 5 on your entire plot.

We don’t want to restrict redstone creations around beacons, for example rainbow beacons or whatever. We can also let the user have big beacon shows with more beacons, so long as the beacon is blocked if it is not running.

the wiki says the range extends 50 blocks horizontally for level 4 beacon down by 10 each time to 20 block range for level 1 beacon. I think your suggestions are a reasonable compromise dico.
oh well thats kinda perfect. So it extends 50 in both directions? That means it would fill exactly the entire plot if you put it in the center :D
according to the wiki yes.
As long as its only for beacons with effect then I am fine because I have lotsa beacons without effects along the side of my plot! Pretty much for a light show! ^^_^
I think im leaning towards the save the beacon effects side cause without the beacons disabled many builds such as the one I created( the disco beacon) will be completly destroyed cause the whole point of it is the beacon. So im voting for the save the beacons
@Bob10000 maybe you should read or reread dicos suggestion

I can’t really decide what side I am on. I agree that beacons do lower FPS. But if you have problems with particles, you can just turn them off in options.

Not everyone knows the /speed command. I understand all your arguements. If you have any problems with my plot’s beacon, let me know and i’ll take it away.

As long as its only for beacons with effect then I am fine because I have lotsa beacons without effects along the side of my plot! Pretty much for a light show! _^


Your plot is actually the reason why I opted for a limit. Your beacons lag even my pc and my pc is a bit of a beast. If you have them blocked off by default it’s fine though.

Furthermore @TheArchangeli beacon beams are not particles. I think they might be entities.

According to some developers (?), “they are neither particles nor entities.” alt
Massive shitstorm ensues