
RedstonerBlames → ABritishGamer_



He came on my plot and didn’t allow me to move within a 10 block radius of him via commands when I wanted to build there

Failed attempts



In my second plot which is on another account /p h taz50000


around 6:30 pm 26th march 2015




I have none however the chat records will show he typed the command also ABurgerGamer_ is my witness

You Never, and I can remember as clear as the day sky, you never said you wanted to build there. Here’s the full story; as your description is not very good:

You were trying to lag me out with multiple clocks, and I decided to make a little joke about it, by making a faster clock. You then decided that ‘Because it’s your plot, you can push and bug the staff around, so you began breaking it. I did /ff as I was trying to build something. A few minutes later you decided to throw some unneeded ‘your mum’ jokes at me. I gave you a little warning, you then came back with another your mum joke so I gave you a kick, you then rejoined and said “Neither is your mum”, I kicked you again, now agitated by your immaturity as well, you then decided it would be funny if you did it again, which REALLY annoyed me, so I gave you a short 5 min tb so you could go and calm down.

Oh, and you’re claiming that I started it, which I can confirm, I didn’t. Here is a picture backing this up:



I forgot to mention that jomo himself has done a similar thing to this, so I dont know why you are complaining so much about one tiny thing, which you started.

I honnestly feel like @ABritishGamer_ is in the wrong here. Doesn’t matter I guess, I have no power.
@Place_Name_Here, if you have a personal issue regarding @ABritishGamer_, please do not consistently post your irrational remonstrances on the forums. Us staff have more rational problems to deal with. Thank you.
The lag u out thing was a joke I have already explained this and trying to get to an area indicates u want to go there

And now you’re being mean to me <3


@ABritishGamer_ I am not saying this report is justified but if you randomly start building on someones plot and the owner of the plot starts breaking it, you should probably back off instead of using forcefield.
FYI: I did not randomly build on his plot. I said “You call that a clock? :D” as a joke, implying I was about to begin building something.
Well I think that the joking needs to stop between staff members and people who are not staff. All these jokes keep causing trouble and making not just you but, the server look bad. for God sakes the rule for being staff is being mature! so to not just you but all the staff, keep the “joking” between you and other staff members. Even joking with other staff members is becoming a problem! So how about we don’t “joke” at all anymore!
i agree with @KILLAGIB4 i think that joking is out of hand, and the fact that a staff member was involved makes it worse, its not my place to tell people what to do, but make shure the other person is up for a joke before making one, and if you’r desperate to make a joke, use a subjective one (idk if thats the right word, one that doesnt involve insulting someone i think)
Alright it may have been a joke but it did not sound lik 1 especially considering I’ve said my plot six b4
I assume the staff generally joking around is about the rules, joking a out breaking them. Which is ok for minor offences like caps, but uf you start joking about kicks or greifing, then it seems like greifing is just a joke and not aserious offence.


FYI: I did not randomly build on his plot. I said “You call that a clock? :D” as a joke, implying I was about to begin building something.

so you didn’t build anything on his plot?

He built a Redstone clock and I couldn’t get there to break it as he had a forcedield on and he stud there
I removed /ff from helper/training mod btw.
@ABritishGamer_ I’m just gonna put it out there and say that you shouldn’t have done this, even if you didn’t build on his plot it wasn’t very mature to block him from going on a part of his plot using force field (and as a result dico took away the perms from an entire group of staff). Staff are supposed to be better than the people making fun of them, keep this in mind I am not siding with @Place_Name_Here in any way. I’m simply calling you out saying you shouldn’t stoop to the same level as him and cause any drama. As a staff member your job is to be a role model for the players and using force field to mess with @Place_Name_Here wasn’t very mature (and it wasn’t a good way to represent us. I’m not saying the staff can’t have fun at all (We did make an exception for moderate to minimal trolling in the staff guidelines a while ago, not sure if it’s still the same way or not) however I doubt that something like this would fall under that exception.
@ABritishGamer_ I 100% agree with BitByte here and I am assuming that you did build on his plot even though one of your comments somewhat contradicts this. Once again I would ask you to read the moderator requirements: http://www.redstoner.com/info/9-staff-requirements my best guess is you’ve failed to follow about two-thirds of the requirements in “dealing” with this incident. That simply won’t do. Please try to take these criticisms on board and improve as a result.
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