Redstoner → Blames → ABritishGamer_
He came on my plot and didn’t allow me to move within a 10 block radius of him via commands when I wanted to build there
Failed attempts
In my second plot which is on another account /p h taz50000
around 6:30 pm 26th march 2015
I have none however the chat records will show he typed the command also ABurgerGamer_ is my witness
You Never, and I can remember as clear as the day sky, you never said you wanted to build there. Here’s the full story; as your description is not very good:
You were trying to lag me out with multiple clocks, and I decided to make a little joke about it, by making a faster clock. You then decided that ‘Because it’s your plot, you can push and bug the staff around, so you began breaking it. I did /ff as I was trying to build something. A few minutes later you decided to throw some unneeded ‘your mum’ jokes at me. I gave you a little warning, you then came back with another your mum joke so I gave you a kick, you then rejoined and said “Neither is your mum”, I kicked you again, now agitated by your immaturity as well, you then decided it would be funny if you did it again, which REALLY annoyed me, so I gave you a short 5 min tb so you could go and calm down.
Oh, and you’re claiming that I started it, which I can confirm, I didn’t. Here is a picture backing this up:
I forgot to mention that jomo himself has done a similar thing to this, so I dont know why you are complaining so much about one tiny thing, which you started.
And now you’re being mean to me <3
FYI: I did not randomly build on his plot. I said “You call that a clock? :D” as a joke, implying I was about to begin building something.
so you didn’t build anything on his plot?