Updated playtime!
Off topic → Other → Updated playtime!
playername | online hours |
Doom_Blah | 614.36333333 |
ipfreely644 | 530.64638889 |
skulldeath12345 | 1017.73861111 |
PanFritz | 1902.06694444 |
MisaXage | 2279.14861111 |
eniallator | 1293.15388889 |
NEMESIS13cz | 684.04916667 |
Pigglypops | 642.46055556 |
Dico200 | 941.91250000 |
HiddenSentinels | 666.36444444 |
thegunmaster | 1069.41611111 |
filip85006 | 1235.83111111 |
jonny0987 | 1115.17972222 |
Jb589 | 888.43138889 |
TeoDiLenarda | 1626.34416667 |
boomaapje | 575.84777778 |
samozor | 534.89861111 |
Nightshade32 | 1108.05277778 |
MDP87 | 1280.03555556 |
scootdog | 742.73194444 |
chloetherat | 765.50666667 |
thunder7345 | 680.06500000 |
yop_tropix | 1363.35916667 |
Mothership_Q | 587.41527778 |
SeppGames | 705.81916667 |
Valsim72 | 1786.71888889 |
purpledragonnuke | 749.96861111 |
FatMan922 | 571.64027778 |
KPkiller1671 | 1258.66055556 |
AlexDon63 | 1131.25750000 |
KotovSyndrom | 911.88055556 |
redstone_sheep | 634.63638889 |
Destame | 766.63138889 |
coolbro280 | 988.71027778 |
Matoseb | 1331.47833333 |
musen2100 | 506.22166667 |
jumavittulauta | 1012.18194444 |
PhantomChampion | 537.10777778 |
Ionwolfhelm | 653.46722222 |
Zormuche92 | 569.67250000 |
eriyo2000 | 877.40083333 |
CranBerriJelly | 1123.98333333 |
moneyaflacdukky | 881.81805556 |
NomNomCooky | 601.93222222 |
BennyBanshee | 1313.45333333 |
ralpjs | 751.04527778 |
jameswhile | 1083.54111111 |
ArhurValk | 982.92277778 |
RickPlaysMCraft | 544.78805556 |
Daan_nos | 888.45388889 |
barrygold21 | 700.91000000 |
armadillo28 | 1226.67888889 |
titodanon | 1354.63500000 |
Guipsou_01 | 600.24222222 |
matanvl | 675.29166667 |
petersma | 3081.72361111 |
I have no idea where petersma came from here but… dajum he wasnt on my last post wich was 2 months ago, and he was last online 1 month 27 days ago so… yeah fuck if i know.
I’m not even ON here….
I cri everitim
non computer
A) You don’t deserve to live B) There is no world outside of computers C) lmao
@yop_tropix You were on the server way longer than most of us…?!?! Just because we are “staff” doesn’t mean be on 24/7. we have lives….?!?!
You take the words outta my mouth @KILLAGIB4 . Also, since you joined earlier then we did, it means that you we’re in a advantage. You have been staff yourself, just reminding you of the fact that you are actually saying stuff to a group wich you have been part of.
School + homework, social life, non computer hobbies (to some of you this seems weird, but its normal), and other stuff. It leaves limited time for moderating the server. Sorry i cant be on 4 hours a day, i try to manage at least 1 hour a day if not more
@ArhurValk @Doomblah @KILLAGIB4 I found time to do all that, exept for the 4 hours a day part. That’s just excessive.