old lol requests thread

RedstonerEntry requests for /lol → old lol requests thread


======[ READ THIS ]======

  • Any /lol requests posted outside of this thread will be locked or deleted
  • We want all* your weird and wonderful requests for lols so get posting!

* Read below

What are good /lol’s?

Quote from our Commands & Plugins page:

SayLol is a plugin made by us. It’s a bit like the splash messages in Minecraft’s main menu. The messages are usually inside jokes, references to funny moments, memes, or otherwise related to the Redstoner community or Minecraft community in general.

What are bad /lol’s?

  • Unfunny things
  • Long text
  • The majority of quotes (it should be funny without quotation marks and “- Someone, 2015”)
  • Jokes in general

There may be some exceptions to this, but this should give you an idea. Important: Before you post, take a look at previously rejected or accepted messages to get a feel for the right type of messages!

Request format

Please use quotes for your request:

> Funny text goes here

Possible extra notes here (source, explanation), but not required

Approval procedure

Your request probably sucks, and will be strike-through when rejected. In the rare case that it’s actually good, a ==✓== will be appended.

Please do not use these types of markup here.

Please do not

  • Chat
  • Vote
  • Comment with anything other than a quoted request
  • Discuss anything, including the requests in this thread

==Post requests only!==

==Replies that are not /lol requests and/or do not follow the required format will be deleted without notice.==


I didn’t greif Steves plot, i greifed Alex’s plot

on top of that my tractor got nicked

This isn’t a lol, it’s a tellraw


This isn’t a lol, wait yes it is


Spider Cow, Spider cow.


on top of that my tractor got nicked

(Barru nicked the lol from me)

What a Bull-y!



(As in horri - bull / horrible)

Lets make some bluestone!

lol from Mr_RedSheep

is anyone good at redstone? ==✓==

- everyone in the first week after joining

Who left there cock on!?

- SquidneyBean 2015 I meant to say clock

That moment when you find yourself eating a bananna… erotically… in the dark

- Evan

&fI am a &4&lRed&f&lStoner

Yo mama’s so fat, She and all of us are concerned about her increased risk of cardiovascular disease

Get paid, Get laid, Gatorade

I have the largest collection of air guitars!

Im drinking a fridge!

Play on words fridge sounds like the drink frijj (there tasty)

note by jomo: “they are”

Redstoner is made for You and Dico

Then i mean from noob and pro XD

use your imagination! in other words, use your brain.

/kick BishopAdams uh oh bishop left

ill do in the right syntax then :P

/login password Next give this password to Hacker.

Im a great person!

Why did Notch implemented this bug? ==✓==



Is it definitely plugged in? ==✓==




Tpa for nothing, it’s your fault


You’re the doc, doc.


Poopy scary skeletons


We can make it Evan____ better!!

it’s the fastest possible for it’s speed ==✓==

I will urinate into my mouth! WITH A TAP

Its the smallest possible for its size ==✓==

Hair hair = hair();

Command Blocks Dont Work


He is a god, he can murder you anytime now


I just went talk to my mummy


I am 8 ;)

Originals: http://puu.sh/hGQj0/a70f43db78.png http://puu.sh/hGQk6/6b181de41f.png http://puu.sh/hGQtH/13e189edfa.png http://puu.sh/hGQua/7ad9ee2f71.png

I like to use large words in my sentences to sound photosynthesis.

If i say something that isn’t funny? will it become a lol?

Now if it becomes a lol, then its funny because it wasn’t funny, which makes it funny, which means it wasn’t funny…

brother from another mother and another father



everyone join redstoner.com now!!!

because your already on redstoner.com

Hey girl, Im elevating your permissions, you can now access the D:/ partition, ye the big one…

I punched my phone, It needed more battery

RIP supported in x86!

==RIP== = ==R==elative ==I==nstruction ==P==ointer, which is supported in x86.

Welcome to Whale-Cum!

Sry about the formatting earlier.

I would tell you an IPv4 joke, but all the good ones are already exhausted.

I have a joke on sheep, but you might have herd it before.

kill @a[name=!me]

space maker..

blargh Ethernet

kinda a quote ish thing


based of when I was a redstone noob I placed repeaters backwards

Blargh internet ==✓==

Cant wait till my zhanchi comes aolong!

Inside cubers joke, zhanchi is a cube released by DaYan and aolong is a cube released by MoYu.

Hualong will it take too arrive?

Again, Hualong is a cube released by MoYu.

Ehh Fuck. Who turned on clock.


Who let the Dicos out! Who! Who! Who! Who!


IlluminaTEA: a product of the brew world order

Killaserver4 on?

i said this today

Can I have Trusted? ==✓==

Im not asking, I`m saying a lol suggestion! XDXDXD

And suddenly… PINEAPPLES ==✓==


“How many push-ups can you do?” “All of them."

My two brothers are Dico200 and jomo

Mombo Jombo is the best redstoner

^(jomo: would have accepted the latter though)

Not today, redstone!


I’m better than everyone at redstone! Except those who are better than me…

So many lead trusteds!

Reference to the retired rank.

admin, badmin and madmin

reference to our current admin situation (not counting pan)

E = MC² Energy = MineCraft²



corresponding to this image link

420 No Scope. 360 Blaze it

360 Glaze It

refering to donuts

I have an expendable 3x3 door !


Jeg@k123 !

Hmmmm ……..

Once upon a time I had a banana once but I ate it

+ MrMumbo

Imagine one of the people with the longest offline time joining -

[lol] Dico200: [lol] jomo: [lol] Nemes: [lol] Pandoh: Meta

Just imagine the colors

My main is a Rubik’s brand!

Well, It’s a MoYu AoLong v2 now…

Why is MHF_Question staff?


Threads! ==✓==

  • in italics, bold, underline and pink

Can I be owner?

I got this lol when I came on a server and a kid said: “CAN I HAVE OwnER?”

Admin me ==✓==

A quote from a guy that joined :P

A penguin in a fedora flying through a window… and has two faces…

reference to: Windows OS X Linux fedora

I Recorded a Nyxtape of Dutchstep!

-Xav101 also @Deeedo Please follow guidelines

/°\ illuminati is watching

Like my penis!

Would be nicely awkward in some situations

We’ve nemezored Dicode!

Yes I know that might end my life soon…

Rub some bacon on it! ==✓==


There are only 10 types of people in the world those who understand binary and those who don’t

Yeah, no, go ahead!

After a long night of Disco music by DJ200, I put on my PJ’s and look at a few Memes

you can +1 posts. and -1 posts. what about + -1.

I just stole your lol! :p

You need to be on the server for me to whitelist you

help! /lol isn’t working!!

help! /op isn’t working!! ==✓==

don’t show good things to deeedo. he makes them worse.

a reverse of the lol “don’t show good things to dico he makes them better.”

The banhammer has broken! ==✓==

I wanna have pex with you! ==✓==


The Pan hammer has borken! ==✓==

“google it on Amazon” - CrazyRussianHacker 2015

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dV2Cuusf4c0 on a comment

I made a 0.5 x 0.125!

All your lol are belong to us ==✓==

Its a thing, that does stuff

Flying; Falling in style

Ayy lmao!

Very common, and


Hello, I love you, Yeah, Ok

Names of the 10/10 best songs on the internet

Default looks bad on default.

baking pancakes baking baking pancakes




I am a lie. I lied.


Water Meh Lawnn!

I demand lag! Give it to me! ==✓==

"sum(((-1)^n)/(2^n),n,0,INFINITY)=2/3 spreak engerish pl0x"

1-(1/2)+(1/4)-(1/8)+(1/16)-(1/32)+…=2/3, and it is so mathematical that it’s not English.

Sand is a beach!

Just for you, mato

If birds can fly, can flies bird?

I loled

/suicide list ==✓==

Might be bad cause ppl try it all the time and kill themselves

Aaaand it’s messed up. Thanks WE ._. ==✓==

Anyone ever having used WE with pistons will get this

==note by jomo: learn to //fast==

flap flap the roflcopter is taking off

Flap flap flap

Y u no wörk?

Well it’s most fun for germans I think

==note by jomo: am german. not sure why this should be funny.==

You remind me of my chinese friend: Ug-Lee

Obvious one?

U w0t m8

[EDIT (2015/08/10 15:10] Sentences between the quotes were added so the formatting doesn’t get messed up o.O

Gimme a sex

  • Skril (2015/08/10 18:40)

[EDIT (2015/08/10 18:41)] Added the latest lol (up above)

I’m sorry if I duped any previous request but I only read through pages 1&4 :P


luckcolors and me :p

Blargh Obama!

Wut Xav said.

Server redstoner = new Server(25565, “Best server ever”);

(Thought of this one while coding :O)

What is blue and smells like red paint? Blue paint.

(Source: Vsauce’s video: Why did the chicken cross the road?)


A quote from a friend.

you’re the magic of my wand!

and another:

I’m the sugar on your strawberry!


SCMath: SimpleComplexMath: ShitCrapMath

x^3 is sexy.

x^3 is xxx xxx signifies pornographic material and it has curves, too

==note by jomo: get your math right. exponentiation is not multiplication.==

Echo Echo echo ᵉᶜʰᵒ ᵉᶜʰᵒ ᵉᶜʰᵒ

==note by jomo: looks awesome in MC! ^actually^not==

sky wats [http://imgur.com/Y8S1K4m]

what is the ip for redstoner.com?

“What is the number for 911!”

==note by jomo:==

IP = Internet Protocol. IP Address = a 4-byte integer, or 4 decimal numbers 0-255. redstoner.com is a domain, not an IP address. It has a DNS record pointing to an IP Address.

To answer your question, the IP Address for redstoner.com is currently

What is the phone number for police? 911.


can I pls be promoted to visitor?


Pormote me to visitor

Maybe Black Misa. ==✓== That was a joke. Haha. Fat chance.

#Portal #StillAlive

==note by jomo: partly accepted, keeping things short. :)==

1.21 GIGAWATTS!! ==✓==

/kick gumsie French Mafia Baguettes

Gumsie said a quote yesterday and the result would be he would be confronted by 500 mafias and hit with 1000 baguettes

I am blue !


This lol is 100% real ==✓==

Real lol, by evan.


Not my lol, just someone who wanted me to posdt it

&a&lWelcome &fDico200 &a&lto Redstoner!

Fuckin’ Magnets, how do they work? ==✓==


Our Errors have Erroes!!!

ppl told me to make it

PJ = Pyjama juice

EDIT BY PJ: Please can you not pan?

lag? ==✓==

a quote by everyone..

All server intensive activity halted by 54956’s blasted maze again

CFOP will bring the cubers solvation!

CFOP is a method of solving the Rubik’s cube, thus SOLVation.

I just clicked on a cow and expected an interface to show up.

Nuff said

I made the smallest 1x1 door!

A sheep, a drum and a snake fell down a cliff… Ba dum tsss!

Edit by dico: I kinda like it

Q: How do you conceal redstone? A: Put it on netherrack.

“I found the lag spike biome!"

I want to join the XBLAh community!



Lost the game

this room smells like liquified ass.

Don’t make fun of my inglish

how much space is in a hard disk derp?

(Rickrolls everybody)

Are the people who aren’t here offline or in /v?

Can somebody check my plot for admin rank?

That was almost mildly offensive.

Cereal is the best. I mean, it’s just so surreal!

java the slut

jabba the hutt

You can never use Saylol again!

Lost the game

Then its like [lol] Mr_RedSheep: LOST the game XDXD

Where is my ArmaStand?

You won yourself a brand new mini-toaster! Jam included, No mini-toaster actually included.

E to the V to the Anus!


There is no gravity, the world just sucks


All that for a flower!?

bleh this bleh

Should’ve used assembly, Jimmy!

I am Lord Redstone!

Hacker == Stalker!

GIT sucks HUB also sucks and GITHUB could kill us all

Source: Me XD

dik man. Damnit autoccorect, dik anymore…

It is a twisted “idk”, means user has autocorrect to… .-.

Fully automated Mod farm!

aka redstone clock.

When mods use RCD, they end up there. Pun => mod and mob


The hashtags don’t work!! it’s borken (just insert the hashtag if you do implement this /lol)!

Source: http://i.imgur.com/Gbe4Sya.png I’m sure we all have seen this before lel

Note by jomo: You need to escape the hash (that’s the name of the character) like this: \# See also formatting help

There are 10 types of people in this world. Those who understand binary and those who don’t.

- Okx, 2015

Note by jomo: HAHAHAHA haven’t heard this joke before. Is it a new one? /s

How do I join servers?

-smartasses forum xD

Why is /tp not working?

-People who just joined and don’t know about /tpa

(someone) and (someone) sittin in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G


@Jessica_MC will know

Sniper No Sniping!

For all the 8 year olds on teh server

Viper No Viping!

For viper <3

I swear to drunk I’m not f*cking God!

No explanation necessary.

Hey baby… sorry, I don’t have a good pickup line.

Read the fourth line above from this line.

It’s better to know C than to not know C#.

If you don’t know C, then you can’t see (C/see: homophones)


When I was just typing homophones I typed “jomophones” X-D


it’s supposed to have an Hashtag before, but it doesn’t work :(

==Note by jomo: learn how to #markdown==


Best sad face ever.

u wot m7+1

Cuz’ we count right on Redstoner

/l’eaul’ !

english in chat, but not in /lol :D

Die_Cow & Sindey striked again!





Modified version of pew pew shots fired !!!111

“I be crying every tears of my body” - Teo

yea, i said that.

my life is potatoe.

Names is my bitch - olpo

I’m only a developer, I can’t know redstone!

MRW people ask me why I’m a member dev

I’ve had just about enough of spam from this thread, I created a new forum. Post your requests there in separate threads – it will be much more organized.


@PanFritz why couldn’t we just move this thread to the new subforum? It would be much more convenient…
Would still be getting spam from it. And its much more convenient to be able to lock specific requests and mark them as solved and closed. Your statement has no upside.
This thread is locked.