Hardest Decision Ever.

Off topicOther → Hardest Decision Ever.

This is the hardest decision you will ever make. Or possibly the easiest. I think the latter. http://strawpoll.me/4077821
I selected option E. None of the above. #Rekt
^^ Also, this is indirectly breaking Rule #4?

Also, this is indirectly breaking Rule #4?

1st off it was a joke. 2nd off it was night-time and I didn’t have my coffee. P.S. Fuck those who are going to say ‘Ewww… coffee’ Last but not least; Why the hate? Why do you hate on people so much.

Can I get a second on this?

I second on this And how did you make that coz I want to make one! ⌒.⌒
Moved to offtopic due to the fact that this doesn’t fit where it was before
Because you think you are funny when making jokes that are irrelevant, melancholy and non humorous.
Hate. + Maybe they are not funny to you. I have reasons for this one. I could barely even think yesterday night. I apologize. But, the one shown in my pic was a troll and you fell for it xD