I was blown up in survival

RedstonerBlames → I was blown up in survival



I was walking then blew up.

Failed attempts



If location is relevant, post a list of locations including the World name and x/y/z coordinations I don’t know. I spawned in a random place, got my bearings and then got blown up. I could see the outskirts of the eastern side of spawn just. So about 128 blocks off the edge of spawn.


Time(span) of the incident. Under a second


Did any grief Yes. A big hole. I revisited the site and saw a circular explosion shape in the ground If so, where? East of spawn

Failed attempts

What have you tried before posting


If location is relevant, post a list of locations including the World name and x/y/z coordinations


Time(span) of the incident. The date and time MUST be given in UTC time and MUST follow the 24h format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM.


Did any grief occur? If so, where?


Please post video evidence/screenshots if available Can someone else confirm the issues you’re having? How I put up a screenshot

upload an image to imgur then get the image url and do ![alt text].(imageurl) with no fullstop
OMG! Could it be one of those mythical “Creeper” creatures?
XDDD I think it just was a creeper, or some kind of booby trap.

OMG! Could it be one of those mythical “Creeper” creatures?

^ this

This isn’t an actual report, nor does it have any info I can actually reproduce this. Also: TNT and creepers don’t do block damage to the world.

So on that note:

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