Comparators can be changed on plots you aren't added

ArchivesProblems & bugs → Comparators can be changed on plots you aren't added


I found out that you’re able to change a comparator to subtract mode and back on a plot you aren’t added (with empty hand). This could break certain contraptions and i don’t think its intentional. So i thought i’d report this.

What did you expect? That you can’t change the comparators' state

What actually happened? the state changed

Do you see any sort of error message? No

How can we reproduce this problem? Right click a comparator with an empty hand on a plot you aren’t added

MintyEdit: Closed and Archived because it’s now in Everything Wrong with PlotMe

Have you tested it with somebody activating it? Like if you click it (you’re not added) and then plot owner activates it (maybe just for a simple contraption like comparator clock) and see if it does work.
Jesus, this has been a bug since 1.5. Thanks for reporting a bug everyone knows about already.
Everybody knows, but it’s still not fixed? This is a free forum, if you’re not interested @Yawp just dont reply.. Somebody just wanted to remind that this is a thing.