Tempban improvement

RedstonerFeature requests → Tempban improvement


When an offline player is tempbanned, the tempban delay should be better to start when the player actually tries to get on.


The player may not try to come back in the hours following the tempban, making the punishment avoided or shortened.

Awesome idea, +1 10/10 -IGN
+9001 Its over 9000! :O



this would certainly be useful
thats a bad idea… if someone heres frm a friend that there banned for a day then they come back a week later …
Soupman, did you actually read the post. This is just to avoid that. The tempban starts when the player tries to login, so it actually is usefull. Not joining doesnt resolve the ban, like you we'’re stating.
it still effects them? the reason they dont join is because there banned .-.
You arent getting the point, now are you?
drumroll …….I actually see soups point here, so its a -1 from me, I think a lot of people will come back expecting ban to be over and then rage on forums that it isn’t.
Actually Ion, that’s true… u nu I dunt kno any maor ;n;
Well, if an offline player is tempbanned, he shouldn’t be expecting the ban to be over since he isn’t even aware of it. He would just try to come back someday, and then see the ban. The process would still remain the same as ever if a player is tempbanned while online.
I Think that’s what val means, and that’s what I understood from it too jomo.
OK that makes total sense now. If it only applies when players are offline at time of ban then I +1 this.


+1ing this makes me feel like Im gonna have to code it xD

This would be very helpful though. xD
±1 if someone finds out they got temp banned by friend for ex by skype. So he knows how long then waits. Joins and gets banned for double the time.
Totally agree here, in my own experience (little to none) it doesn’t seem like a too hard thing to code, just issue the command and then when a player joins it comes through, wouldn’t interrupt with the statement if a player is already on since it would recognize that the player is on.

The reason tempban sucks is because

players might not come back in the hours following the tempban

Isnt that the point if the tempban anyways?

Also a simpler fix to this is longer tempbans