Hi there.

Off topicIntroduce yourself! → Hi there.

Hi! I’m Animal_Gone_Wild.

I’m just the casual guy you expect these days, bored so resorts to minecraft. In minecraft, I do nothing to do with redstone cause I;m… well, let’s just say not the best of people to work with redstone. I have learnt python and some HTML and hope to go on to learn java, I’m 6'1" and am probably the most boring guy you’ll ever meet. I am currently the head of tech for plays at my school. I almost forgot, I’m also an army cadet in the Army Cadet Force.

@Animal_Gone_Wild How old are you? 16?
Wow nice to meet you! Welcome to one of the most friendly servers out there!


My dad’s friend is a major in the UK army <3


Head of tech for plays at my school

@barrygold_ and I do that but the rest of the team are dickheads.

@yop_tropix I am 14 @KILLAGIB4 Thank you for the warm welcome! @barrygold_ Nice! What regiment is he in? @PyjamaL1ama I know the feeling of having to deal with dickheads… if you ever need any tips or tricks just come talk to me. ;)
@Animal_Gone_Wild We have the most disorganised and stupid drama department ever yet somehow our shows always come out fine…
@Animal_Gone_Wild That’s quite young for being 6'1'' ! I honnestly wish you to stop growing haha

@PyjamaL1ama My school is exactly the same, apart from one play night when the actors didn’t know their lines. ;)

@yop_tropix It’s like I say to everyone that says I’m tall, you’re just small :)

@Animal_Gone_Wild I’m 6' you donkey.
@yop_tropix Still smaller! ;)
I’m 6'3 get at me bitches ;)
I only use inches/feet because i grew up with it, if i could switch my brain to the metric just like that i would
I use metric for everything except people’s height for some reason…
It’s fucked up where I live. We use Feet for construction (2x4s), Feet for height, Lbs for weight, C° for temperature, thanks America for making me different than the rest of the world. I also use both time format(12h/24h).
@jomo I use the same as @PyjamaL1ama It’s the British way of doing things. :)
@Animal_Gone_Wild Wow Your Growth is Wild! xP