Self-Locking lever

ArchivesFeature requests → Self-Locking lever


What feature do you want: A command that makes lever on/off if the lever got unloaded

Why do you think it is a good idea: For example, if a random guy turn on a clock and left, the clock creates lag. But if there is a lever that lock the clock after it got unloaded, the clock will be locked by the lever and won’t create lag.

Dude I mean the lever can lock a clock after it got unloaded. Why did you say button?
In your example you specify an RS clock. If you’re worried about lag, why not use a button? Even then, if a clock gets unloaded then it is (by definition) unloaded, and thus won’t cause lag.
The problem is, a staff flying around and find a clock, the plot’s owner might got banned because other people turned on a clock in his plot and left. Also, I still don’t get how button can help.
We have logblock. We can see who pressed, placed, destroyed, did whatever to whatever.

Oh that is great

But I am sure that it won’t be fun to check is there any clock running on your plot once you log in to redstoner server.

Well we also have RCD (Redstone Clock Detector) c: