Plotme optimizations

ArchivesFeature requests → Plotme optimizations


I don’t really know if this is possible, but it is just an idea!

So basiclly the idea is to make your plot more customizable. Here are some examples of options which can be added:

  • Enabling or disabling gamemode 3 in the plot (Can stop people from entering unwanted areas through blocks)
  • Making blocks placeable in a certain position (Allowing people to place a lever for a “useless lever” machine, at the wanted position)

I think this is a good idea, because I have some machines and areas which I don’t want others to go to. Also, it allowes every plot to be customized by the wants of the owner of it. This is the owner of the plot and he decides what’s allowed and what isn’t.

If you have other examples or improvements write them here :D

well the first one we can discount immediately, i can think of several reasons not to add it, and im sure other would agree (not going to say them because im lazy)

but the second one sounds good, i love my useless lever collection and i would love to allow others to use them

I can see the second part useful because of the things you and Bish mentioned (“Useless Machines”). But I dont really know why gamemode 3 would be denied for actually. :?

Well @M0dii, my friend has a room full with banners. He doesn’t want others to middle click the banners and steal them. So he covered the banners wall with barriers… But people can still steal his artworks using gamemode 3.

Also, I mentioned that gamemode 3 can be set to be disabled on a plot. You can enable it on your plot tho.

I got another reason: If you have vote systems in your plot, people would enter gamemode 3, go to the hopper system and fill the hoppers with items :P
I hope you understand that it would probably be available for staff even if you disabled it :P

@PyjamaL1ama yeah but the amount of trust we have for someone in the “trusted rank” is pretty big. how much more trust should we and do we have for an actual staff member?

In other words, I don’t think staff having access to it will be a problem at all.

As for your suggestions @djbwx I like the gm 3 one because I personally have a vote system and circuits that are special to me because they are the first time I have built that machine and I don’t want people screwing with them in any way etc. So in the end, I like your suggestions for the whole customizable plot thing. :)

But, this is kind of a small request and it doesn’t make sense to spend a lot of time making plugins so maybe you should come up with more suggestions before this becomes a thing and IF it becomes a thing.

Cheers All, and happy Thursday. (I just love Thursdays)