This is my friends account the one im banned on is called cyberprosean.
Redstoner → Appeals → This is my friends account the one im banned on is called cyberprosean.
Type of punishment
Message shown when you connect to the server
e.g. Abusing staff members
Why I should be unbanned
I was just joking around with one of the moderators who took it the wrong way, I said sorry and asked one of the members( nightshade ) if I will get banned and he said no. Then 10 mins later I get banned out the blue.
We appreciate your apology and will take it into account. That said we do also take very seriously any abuse or misconduct to any of our staff or for that matter any player on our server for whom we are responsible for. We will review the ban carefully, but will confirm or promise nothing. Thanks Redstoner Staff
I didn’t expect you to get banned, another staff member must have banned you later on, not sure who though.
Le pwnd.
Such Cruelty xD
Le pwnd.
This thread is locked.