Hi there, its RedSheep here!

Off topicIntroduce yourself! → Hi there, its RedSheep here!

Hello i am Mr_RedSheep, My real name is Daan and im 13 years old I did 2 NameChanges in my life. First my name was Daan_Luuk, i shared my account with Mr_BlueSheep(his name is Luuk). Then i changed my name to DaanRedstone, And later i changed my name for my youtube channel to Mr_RedSheep (This is not stealed of redstonesheep) I really like Redstone so thats why i joined redstoner. the link to my channel is https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQd4w7R6lSmheCxQmCukI_A i didn’t made a video yet but make sure to subscribe


Hai Daan! Nice to meet ya.
How many Cookies do we have now?
  1. Well technically 1. The other one is a cooky.

No, there are more:

@PreppieCookie79 and @xCoockieMonsterx and @NomNomCooky

I count those as cookies.

Hi peeps its PREPPIE HERE!