My resignation

RedstonerOther → My resignation

The tittle (intentional typo before anyone makes a comment) says it all. Being staff on the server was great fun and I’m glad I got to help around in the community however I’ve decided to step down from the role since I find myself enjoying time on the server less than I did before. I’ll stay an active member in game so that’s good news if you like me, and bad news if you don’t (I apologise to anyone who hates me but tough I guess). Thanks to everyone who supported me during my time as staff and I hope the staff team manages to stay intact without my influence cccc:

Noooooo >:C

It’s been fun having you as staff, good luck in the future!

Aww sad to see you go Arma :C

Will you ever consider coming back to the staff team?

Nuuu arma, :( This is really sad :( Good luck ;)
Best of luck Dirpy ‘ol Arma
I hope you will never stop making awesome doors @Armadillo28 :D
Bye Arma, that’s been a great time with you :')
Bye my dirpy armus mod :C But welcome dirpy armus retired c:

Nuuu awma diwp ;-;


thanks for all your help arma