Piston Tape

RedstonerBuilding → Piston Tape

So I started working on a 6x6 door and I need help with the piston tape. I had a working design, but it was too big, and the other I made was slower/faster in different coordinates. I want your help! Can you come up with a design that: -Works/is the same speed in all coordinates -Preferably doesn’t use a clock, but automatically stops when the redstone block gets back to the starting point (you could use a smart piston because the redstone block redirects the redstone dust so only regular blocks power the piston) -Uses only one redstone block in the tape itself (you may use more for the wiring) -Fits in a 6x10 area with the redstone block passing 3 blocks from one side (keeping in mind that there is an input for the bottom quad in the middle 4 blocks) EXAMPLE:

[piston]==redstone block==blocks (x6)air[piston]

the redstone block must pass:

1 2 3 4 5 6


1 2 3 4 5 6

Submit your designs below. Good luck!

I will try to get some pictures instead of using numbers and stuff, but I don’t have those available at the moment.