Automatic AFK system

ArchivesFeature requests → Automatic AFK system


Now I’m sure most of you forgot to do /afk to mark yourself as AFK. This will lead to confusion. So I’m just saying - why wouldn’t we use the automatic AFK assignment? Why everyone has to guess if a player is AFK or not? So, when someone isn’t moving / talking in the chat for 5 minutes, he will be marked as AFK.

Who’s with me?

No, its annoying as fuck when the server auto afks you.
I am with you. I just think it should be higher than 5 minutes.

We do this on Synergy and it works great. It really cuts down on the amount of people doing /afk to only come back less than a minute later (or even worse, accidentally move their mouse after they do /afk so they have to do it again and 3 messages are sent).

Just some perspective.

I think it should be like 10 or 15 minutes. I am with ye. (looking at the mexican sky)
I don’t exactly see good reasons to add this other than to know whether someone is afk for sure. If we do add it I’d like to see a long delay of at least 30 minutes, for the extreme ones. The chat is quite spammy already often enough.
How about it just doesn’t show up in chat just /list @Dico200