My Public Plot
Redstoner → Other → My Public Plot
Hey! I have a public plot (/p h PyjamaL1ama) which is not used enough. The majority of the trusted players and some builders are added, and all staff are welcome to build there too.
Please READ THE RULES on the plot and have fun! If you’re not added to the plot and would like to be please comment with a request. I am only accepting builders+.
Thanks, PJ
FIRST REPLY! btw cool idea to have a public plot :D I encourage every1 to sustain it and make it awfully scatterred/full of random stuff.
Add me?
So, can I make a big door on there? :)
Sure @CookieRedstone , in the air plz
Added you @RedstoneMania
Can you add me to it as well?
Sure, will do.
Don’t add meh.