Breaking minecarts on other people's plots

ArchivesProblems & bugs → Breaking minecarts on other people's plots


What did you expect?

  • I espected that I wasnt able to break a minecart on someone elses plot.

What actually happened?

  • I accedentaly broke a TNT minecart on a plot, but I dont rememer whose plot it is.

Do you see any sort of error message?

no, but it does say “You cannot build here” when you try do break any other block.

How can we reproduce this problem?

Because I’m not an admin or anything, I have no idea.

MintyEdit: Closed and Archived because it’s now in Everything Wrong with PlotMe

you must break a tnt minecart on another plot to produce the bug

Well i mean it kind of makes sense… Nvm, you can kill a minecart on another person’s plot, but not kill somebody (assuming they’re in gm0)?

Also soup, why no ban appeal?