Storage of Player History

ArchivesFeature requests → Storage of Player History


This is a very minor change but one I would like to see. In the /seen command (or if you feel like it, a new command), I would like to see a little bit of my history. A couple instances may be when someone first joined the server, when someone got to a specific rank, or any other information that may be interesting (maybe bans idk :l)

Who wouldn’t want to know this. For people who have a good amount of time on the server (like me), it would be very nice if we knew HOW long we had this and when we got to the ranks we got to. The only people this shouldn’t affect are people who are new to the server, and I highly doubt this could be anything negative to anyone. So I hope you accept this suggestion.

I swear i saw this idea before… Anyway, This is a cool idea, maybe we should add that…

Edit: yes, this is a repost. I have the forum here.

Also, this might not be a repost; it’s in game.

I’d love to have the ability to see how long someone has been a certain rank! So useful!

I haz…

Rubeh codeh.

player_name = minecraft.get(usernameFromCommand)
player_rank = minecraft.get(pex.member)
Room for improvment btw.

Thingthatissuperlongwithwymbolsohsaveusenpaisheep = {
:kickcount => 12
:Bantimesecs => 1675430
:BanTimes => 5
:PermBanTimes => 0

def command(x, y)
if player_rank == pex.guest
return "Not Allowed TO see.".minecraftColorRed
thingthatisuperlongwithymbolsohsaveusenpaisheep.each do |Ssssssssssssstuff|
puts watever

btw maybe code an api in java? :D

Thingthatissuperlongwithwymbolsohsaveusenpaisheep you kidding


Good idea might make it, as soon as i learn sql since i know jomo is gonna want it in our db :)