Ranty Rant
Redstoner → Other → Ranty Rant
I am getting really pissed off. if someone crashes a server on purpose, Especially a trusted member, should get a demote. even a builder should. And if a player keeps on crashing because of the server crash, that pisses them off so much. @chloetherat and @oya had this happen with speedtime100. IT PISSSES SOMEONE OFF DONT TEMP BAN THEM DEMOTE THEM IF IT AFFECTS MORE THAN ONE PLAYER! JEEZ. SOMETIMES I THINK ALL THE MODS SHOULD BE DEMOTED FOR A MONTH.
Thread that pissed me off http://redstoner.com/forums/threads/1666-speedtime100-crashing-the-server
Well, since there’s already a thread about this topic and about this person, you could’ve only posted a reply to the original thread and not make a whole new thread discussing the same subject right? Also, this would probably belong better in the blames section of the forums if there wasn’t already, as I said, a forum thread discussing the same subject and the same person.
@nalaek2004 I think you aren’t in the position to say that mods arent doing there job good enough. From my experience, it has been a really hard time being a good mod, but also a fun time.