
RedstonerBlames → skullcandy154






skullcandy154 has stolen more than one of MY designs, and claimed them as his own.

Failed attempts

I’ve contacted skullcandy154 many times and politely asked him to give me credit for designs that he stole off of my plot and built on his. He ignored me for a while until he redid his plot and removed the stolen work. After he got builder, he had 2 plots, so on his second plot, he copied my expandable DPE design(the one he’s copied before) and clearly claims it as his own. And is it possible that he made the same design without seeing mine first on his plot? Indeed it is, but I have evidence to dispute the possibility of that rare but possible happening. skullcandy154 is a redstoner very like others who try very hard to compact things. My expandable DPE could have a simple lever input, but instead I had a unnessesary big input involving redstone and repeaters(totally unnesesary). skullcandy154 copied my input which is a big bulk that sin’t needed in the compact design. Why would he have a big input when it isn’t needed, one that I made first. Why would he make his design bigger when it simply isn’t needed? Coinsidence he came up with the same input as mine? I think not. In photo one down below, you can see that There’s a lever on my design which I added so you can see what I’m explaining. And behind the lever, you can see my used input. Alternatively, is this isn’t enough evidence, He’s copied another design of mine which is now destroyed by him, but with logblock rollback you could bring back the first case of stolen work. And the originals which can be proved to be built by me using logblock on my plto first. In photo 2 below, you can see his design. Same as mine! Although a bit prettier and less run-down like mine is.


World: cr. Coords: -2000 74 -2446 #this is the location of my DPE. you can use logblock on it to prove I amde it before the one he made on his other plot.

World: cr. Coords: -3710 65 -544 # this is the location of the DPE that he copied off of me.

World: cr. Coords: -2007 84 -2405 #this is a location where he first copied me, but later remodeled his plot and destroyed. If you don’t have enough evidence yet, try randomly searching this area with logblock, or rollback the area temporarily. You might see a hipster bridge in the vicinity if you do rollback. I made the hipster bridge first and he even says it in a video of his. And shows it.


The timespan of this isn’t too important. But he first copied my designs about 2 1/2 months ago(roughly). Your logblock should tell you when most things happened, but this is being reported on 7-5-2014(July 5th, 2014).


Did any grief occur? If so, where?


photo 1 photo1

photo 2 photo2

another angle of photo 1 photo3 keep in mind that my design is a bit beat up and missing a few blocks or has displaced blocks, but I didn’t tamper with it so you could have good logblock evidence if you do resort to that. The only thing I tampered with is the lever so you can see the simplified input method. '

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