Your Time Spent on Server?

Off topicMinecraft related → Your Time Spent on Server?

Below is a record of hours spent on server, and how long you’ve been a member for. Looking for the most ancient user!! :)


Username Total Hours Spent on Server Length of time you’ve been a Redstoner member.

Deeedo (obviously) I don’t know. I’ll look later and update this. Almost half a year


I’d say 750+ - 800 hours. ( In the list pan made of users with a playtime over 500, I had 698, and I’ve played a lot since that post)

2+ years, waay back in alexpaquette1 times

Nyxis, Nyxthewolf, Awolfishgamer_, Winzarthewolf (Newest to oldest)

300-400 hours 7 months

Wait, Winzar? Hay!


250-300 hours

18 months

Yes. i have been on for 18 months and not 600+ hours. :( No TAIM.


Over 2000 hours

2+ years

@chloetherat didnt realize you went back that far. GG
@MisaXage ………. holy…………….you are one of them ancients lele