A new number.

Off topicOther → A new number.

kinda bored soo

some of you know what grahams number is. if you don’t, look it up bc there’s a chance your mind might be blown. it’s stupidly big. so. what about deedos number? it’d be grahams number^grahamsnumber. HAHA. or if you know what I’m talking about, it could be written as: G64^G64 xD crazy stuff.

technically if you memorized the number, there’s so much information that your brain would collapse and form a singularity. (aka black hole) no idea if that’s true tho lelz

ok g’night people.

Grahms number is G64 eh? How about G(G64)

@Doomblah G(G64) wouldn’t work because just G isn’t a thing. It’s G1, G2, G3, etc. lol.

@leau GG isn’t a thing either. xD

G9001 get on my level


Yay I win.

@barru nope ∞^∞
PandohsNumber ^PandohsNumber

… you can’t have infinity to the infinity power @Nemes @Pandoh @ADeejayGamer_ because infinity is an (infinite) undetermined number representing the comtinuous line of, again infinite, numbers. You could possibly do (a number)^infinity which would automatically be the biggest number even over infinity ^infinity since the answer still equals infinity.

ok what has this become. xD