Streaming? Do you guys/gals do it?

RedstonerOther → Streaming? Do you guys/gals do it?

Do you guys stream on Twitch when you’re playing on the server? If so, what’s your channel? If not live streaming via Twitch, do you guys post videos on YouTube?

YouTube channels I know of so far: Dico: Sidney: abh:

I stream. To myself. By sitting in front of the computer and playing minecraft. xD for real though, I don’t stream. I have an old channel that aboalutely sucked. I want to start another channel but ain’t nobody got money for recorders xD :/

Here’s a list of youtube channels owned by people on the server:

YoppedIt, Skyflip, Dat cookie doe, Logicraft Redstone, Kpkiller1671, Namazo64, Winzartheredstoner, Matoseb, Zombachu, MisaXage, Pigglypops, Bitbyte, Jb589, Itslucid, Purpledragonnuke, BlockyNinja, CookieRedstone

Whew that was a ton of advertising^(sorry if i left you out)

Livestreaming, sounds interesting for building a door that I have planned, @Nyxis shall I change my YouTube to CookehWedstun too?
@nitryx you forgot the one and only inactive and almost never uploading spurge games ;-;

@CookehWedstun No, cookiewedstun is too informal imo, so just have the name temporarily, and then change back to cookieredstone later.

@ArhurValk Who dat? :P

@Nyxis arhurs YT channel.