has you guys know im now banned (before you go o shock) i asked for the ban!

RedstonerOther → has you guys know im now banned (before you go o shock) i asked for the ban!

I know I’ve fucked up (a lot!) I also know your only meant to have a website account if you’re not banned. so basically, Im asking if I can keep my account on the website… I also know I pulled a real dick move on @PanFritz and @Nemes I would like too say sorry! but who wouldn’t act like that, I know what you do with the banned IP’s and im not a fan tbh. its mean and unfair too them people its low! and not every respectable.

(wanted to add so many emoji’s ;-;)


and for the geeks out there intel are making 28 core xeons, that’s 52 threads HOLY SHIT!. cant wait too see the socket on that D:

Since you asked for the ban and showed no remorse for any of your mistakes on Redstoner, I am promptly going to ban your website account. Since this is your however-many-times-you’ve-been-banned ban, you will not be able to appeal (hence the website account ban). Goodbye, James While.
Well he doesn’t deserve shit in my opinion. So all I say is LATERERERER James! Also gg skril Nicely put :D
Good bye good riddance.
Have fun on Synergy… Until they ban you aswell.
They may already have… @HackerAttacker Anyway bai james
Yeah, he’s already banned on synergy xD

“I’ll be back soon! -James”

Well I saw the communityvote thing and I thought: “BannedInAJar”

Cya wherever you are not banned.

@JamInAJar we don’t do anything with banned ips lol.
:( bye jameswhile. ill miss you.
awww cya jam we could still play on steam tho <3

Let’s put this straight I Asked for the ban didn’t break a rule so why am I get a punishment ? - james

Bye jam, dw we dont do anything with banned IPs, only with naughty people…
Really i thought u wanted to come back… Oh well Bai James! I’ll mis ya D: