Statistics Tracker

ArchivesWebsite feature requests → Statistics Tracker


There are a number of plugins floating around for tracking player statistics and pushing to mysql for use on a website. Could be interesting to see total time played for individuals as well as all players, and give good feedback to how most of the time on the server is spent.

We did the same thing with red-blocks a few years ago, I can bother ray73864 for the relevant information if need be.

MintyEdit: In Extra User Information

I like this idea, I would find this useful in determining promotions in some aspects, and it would be a nice way to track players (totally not NSA xD)
You can have a website pull data rather than pushing it on page reload if I remember correctly. That should cut down on data usage. I’ll try to get a hold of Ray soon, he is much more well versed than I am for this kind of stuff.

All I need is some ideas of what data would be interesting

How about Total time played, total logins, most commonly used block? Just a few ideas.

How about Total time played, total logins, most commonly used block? Just a few ideas.

Take it even farther and do top 5 most used blocks… Although for most people that would probably be redstone, pistons, etc etc.

It might be worthwhile to see if it is possible to get cumulative data from the server, grand total time played could draw some attention if we post it somewhere.

We could also get each player’s rough location via geoip services. That could be used to create a fancy map.

eh i dont think many people will like the idea of having a map of where each player lives, that might be pushing it a bit far imo.

That’s why it will only show the province/state with the amount of players and no names.

That seems like a better idea, wouldn’t want people knowing where I lived lol

Bahhh show where i live and i kill you. even city wise i kill you sheep. You have been warned.
It may not be a bad idea to see if there is a way to pull data on how long certain players have been certain ranks. Obviously not something to post all over the place, but it could make decided promotions easier with the ever increasing traffic we have to the server and website.
Even state province wise i kill you. Slovenia is small.
How about country only ?
Chlorpleth maps only show activity as a “heat map” for lack of a better term, I.E. areas that generate more traffic are shown as bolder colors. What Sheep posted would not be available to anyone aside from admins.
I think you should do time since first joined :D
Yea, about time sinse first joined, you could log data when players log in, so after the system is implemented, you could see the oldest time logged in that it can fetch. So, if the system lasts a while, and I do too, you would be able to see how long I’ve been on the server. Totally useful and great for future players.
When I said ‘I’ve been on the server,’ I meant “I’ve been on the server(sinse the system has been implemented, if you dont have any data stored already).
Also, for playerdata files, couldent you just see when the file was created and convert the UUID’s to playernames, revealing the time they’ve been on the server, or when UUID’s came out, did it switch or convert all the files, screwing with the time the file was created.
Like this, and I bet sheepy could write a script to make things easier! playerdat
Bump! I do like this idea, would like to see it done some time c:
Holy crap, I posted this when I still had a white name. I’ll follow up and talk to ray about what plugin we used on red-blocks, then maybe we can pull it apart and get it down to what we need. Thanks for bringing this back to my attention, I completely forgot about it.
I know this is a year old, and I’m sorry for bringing up really old threads, but was this ever finished. I +1 if not.