
Off topicIntroduce yourself! → Hello!

Hello Guys, I am Archie and pleased to meet you! I am a joyful human and i am always glad to converse with others. I am the world’s WORST Cuber ever.

I enjoy making redstone doors, although i am not the best. I am quite new to minecraft, as i joined in august 2014. Before i joined Redstoner I only made gigantic farms and mod torturers and killers. during that time i couldn’t make a 3x3 piston door… Ever since I started playing minecraft, Architecture was always something i enjoyed doing. Unlike my skills at Redstone (I have some to no skill at all in redstone) Architectural builds is something i am advanced in. I mainly focus in Interior designing.

Because of Redstoner, I have many friends here such as @L0rdDrag0 @oya @ScarredRedstone.

Section of irrelevance

I have 3 pets, a annoying dog, a joyous bird, and a fish. <—–Y did I need to include this??? Anyway I Love sports and I am a first dan black belt in Tae Kwon Do. The Tae Kwon Do Instructor is an old man and usually makes me instruct the students when he has other things to do :p The best thing about Tae Kwon Do is Sparring, Sparring is where the two students get to fight one another, but not to the death. I like swimming.

Thats all you need to know, -Archie

Hi Archie :)

I used to train taekwondo as well (from the age of 6-12) and managed to get to the same level as you are now, first dan black belt. I quit when I was 12 because I felt that I didn’t enjoy it as much. Ended up with not being a big fan of the sparring because of people who were taking it a little too hard which ended in me getting a few smaller injuries.

But good luck to you!

Also noticed the Archie-Architecture similarities lel

1: why am i not in your friend list!? 2: (See above) 3: JK

Nice Introduction! I am in the city swim club, and am a fairly bad cube as well! RedstoneMania

BTW: You joined 10 people after meh!

I remember when Archie joined :)

I came here because of a mention.

Jk I came for you Archie c;

@SebTheSir :D I’ve Ben in martial arts since I was idk @RedstoneMania u can’t be my horribleness in cubing. I don’t swim in a team. @PyjamaL1ama u were trusted when I joined :p @ScarredRedstone thx Nyx!
Haha, I remember when I first met you cx
@Archangelus21 holy shit :o