Coding competitions?

Off topicProgramming → Coding competitions?


I think making competitions for coding could benefit young coders, especialy if the competitions are in teams. Some people may even learn a new language! The idea just seems unique to me.

Please reply with your response below. If you support this idea, post a programming language we should start with.

seems like a good idea. But in what languages? scratch? batch? VB? C? C++? Java>? list goes on and on but i think we should start on scratch ideas: Maze game Time for each person or team: 1 day
what do you mean in maze game?
a game that you have to complete a maze to finish

@nalaek2004 Scratch is pretty much Java in blocks

Anyways, thank you @PanFritz for the link. When should we start?

Anyway if you at least wanna make it bearable you should allow the use of whichever language one prefers.
Actually @PanFritz , the Ludum Dare only specifies a certain topic at a time, making our choices pretty limited, is there any other website you know of?

#Alright lets do this properly then

Starting tomorrow until Sunday make a game not using any hardcore game engine (unity, source etc) since most things there are already done for you. Pre made bits of code and classes are allowed but only if YOU wrote them. Libraries are allowed such as (pygame, lwjgl, etc…) You can use whatever language you prefer, keep in mind the OS independency. Up to two people can collaborate to make the game together.

If your game isn’t OS independent you get -5 points. (So use openGL) (OSX, WINDOWS, LINUX)

Your code must be uploaded on github along with all the dependencies listed and their sources. On sunday and no day before post the link to your repository in this thread!

Your code will be judged on :

  • Performance and efficiency of your code. 10 points
  • Organization and aesthetics of your code. 10 points
  • Originality of your game. 5 points
  • Other 20 points
  •                                 TOTAL 45 points


Old but gold

Good luck and have fun!

Could I use javascript?
FORGET THAT! I’ll use C or C#
WOO HOO admin approves!
Reposted in news, go comment there and stuff c: