Lonely :(
Off topic → Programming → Lonely :(
This forum is so lonely man, i’ll talk with it for a little bit.
Now for real bussines, Sheep, how do i make stuff for the website, teach me senpai (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Senpai_and_k%C5%8Dhai)
it is a link, and it came out exactly how i wanted it :(
I would love to talk programming! But… I’m sure you wouldn’t want to talk about Java :D
- Ignore sheep
- Don’t learn ruby on rails
- Learn HTML, JS, CSS, PHP, and SQL
- They’re all relatively easy and simple.
- If you want some client programming, try C, C#, C++, or Java
- Don’t ignore sheep
- I meant web programing
- I already know C as i program MCU’s
- And python is best
- Python is the best
- Never ignore sheep/any body its ignorant 3.I want to lean ruby as well any links from sheep or anyone else 4.would it be best to get rails as well ?
@jameswhile necropost much? Thanks. Could a staff please lock this? :/
Dont. old postz r cuul
Don’t ignore sheep. Ruby is super easy to learn and you can use ruby on rails to setup a nice working website.
(Python is also good)
Someone please lock this zombie thread.
Someone please lock this zombie thread.
jk, I thought you could lock it tho, you retired on forums?
This thread is locked.