Unban Rylanthehammer

RedstonerAppeals → Unban Rylanthehammer


Many of you know about rylanthehammer. He is a very good friend of mine and his a very nice person. He wrongly took a stack of Ice from Xav101 in SV, and he should be punished. However, I believe that a permaban is too much for that. Rylan did pay back 1 diamond for the ice, and he probably thought that it was okay. We have already raided his entire base in SV, and he has paid more than enough for just a measly stack of ice. I believe that rylan has already paid his price. Furthermore, I was the one who gave Xav101 the ice due to a prank, and i gave it for free. Now rylan is getting permabanned for that same stack of ice. Rylan should be pardoned for his wrongdoings, as we all know he is not a thief. He came back later onto the server on another account, and apologized, saying he will never ever steal again.

Rylan made a small mistake. Please pardon him as he has already paid the price. Please Support me if you agree!


Please follow the format of the forum appealing.
__Text, about the ice. One thing I’ve learned from pranking, is that you prank someone, the person you prank gets to keep the resources. I also saw 10 grass blocks in one of Rylan’s chests. This means he had a silk touch shovel, and I do believe you can harvest ice with a silk touch shovel. My ice was also not for sale in any way, and he didn’t even tell me he took it. At the least he could have sent me a mail saying something like “Hey dude, I needed some ice, so I took a stack from one of your chests.” If he did that, I wouldn’t have had to get Valism to logblock my chest to see who took it. If Valism didn’t logblock the chest, then he wouldn’t have banned rylan.

I say the post be closed, due to the fact it isn’t appealing for Rylan.


Doesn’t follow format, but was solved in-game. @Valsim72 we can talk about it on staff slack.
This thread is locked.