I'm retiring!
Redstoner → Other → I'm retiring!
My staff job ends here, people \o/
Now I’ve ton of shit to do at school for this year ^_^
It was a nice experience :')
:( bye Val, will you still be active?
aww cya valsim :c
Aww nu valleh :c
Really appreciated having you on the staff team. You were a good example while it lasted :D
Valsim I hope you can get good grades on school :D
I enjoyed having you on the staff team val <3 I remember the first days after you joined and you built giant glass doors. I hope you’re willing to rejoin the staff when you’re less busy and that you don’t become inactive entirely. Thanks for the amazing year(s) buddy <3
Bye val. Sad to see you go as you were one of the longer lasting staff
Goodbye, Valsim. Have a fun time as retired!
bai val :(