"Is Recording" plugin statement stuff

ArchivesFeature requests → "Is Recording" plugin statement stuff


Like a plugin, which makes it like /afk sets a true or false state for you Like: /recording => Cube is now recording then I can still use chat for stuff like world edit and such, but i dont see actual chat… Just an idea

Solved by pep: Was implemented as /busy

Good idea, should probably come with our next plugin update
+1 Would be a very good implementation
Adding onto this, how about a “busy” state instead, with all cube’s features, just will notify you if, say, staff says somebody’s spamming chat with urgent messages for you.
+1 it would be cool if you could whitelist certain people so you hear their chat, so if you’re recording with someone you can do stuff
+1 onto arma’s idea
the busy state doesn’t appeal much to me actually. The recording state sounds good though! I’ll get something done now I feel like doin something :)
Just 1 thing, it shouldn’t messages from staff.
@Dico200 Well, the ‘busy’ idea that I was talking about is pretty much the same idea :)
Turns out I don’t really know what to do with python anymore.
+1 again to pan and arma

Nice idea, if you guys don’t have time to code it though I’ll offer my help for this one :) Just tell me exactly what you need (dico, pan?) then I can make it a plugin (won’t be a python plugin though but java instead). Shouldn’t be too much of a challenge :P

+1 from me

I am currently writing it, so dw @Pepich1851
There is a way. Just go to options, chat settings, and turn the “scale” down to “off”. This will allow you to use commands and stuff, but not actually “see” chat.
@_Text @CubemasterXD You can go to settings and change the “view chat” to “commands only”
As well as there’s the /busy command now -1
This is what spawned the /busy command K0ala..