AFK indicator on tab

RedstonerFeature requests → AFK indicator on tab


I think it would be a good idea to have some sort of indicator on tab when a player is AFK.

Why? It’s very useful if your talking to the player, tping to them, or /msg ing, because the player may not answer you, and it gets very annoying to have to do /seen or /list to check if someone is AFK. You can also quickly scan tab to see if there are any Mods/Admins that aren’t AFK, or see if there are any people you know to help you.

/msg alerts you when the person is in /afk, but an easier way to tell is appreciated +1
+1 It would also make it easier for staff to track people who afk for hours at a time
Duplicate post. Never happened, dont think it will.

aswell as the other idea by @CubemasterXD


yes, it will happen.
+1 @LogalGamer, add the afk badge to the start of the name like in /list to avoid that problem?
umg, i want to code this!!! XD i just have to find a way how….

Only for tab it’s possible with packets faking join and leave events. You can even sort the tablist with it but with minecraft 1.8 a lot of the packet stuff changed (again) so I gotta dig for someone who already dealt with the packets then i can fake them and change the tab name. That’d also get rid of the not appearing badges in tab in the same go.

@SheepRedstone well use python and packets :)

Using TagAPI it’s even easier and will display it below the name as well, the problem with that is that it’d actually change the players name and skins. It’s possible to get around that with another extension but yeah… That’d in the end be some ridivulous amount of work just to change the tab names and I think that won’t happen :P So TagAPI is shit for this one…



+3 I think that it’ll be a similar script to the busy indicator in the tab screen (less programming work).
+1 apparently I never commented on this.
+1 what C*ckyRedstone said
  1. @BurgerLover1 you ruined the chain
  2. @CookieRedstone you ruined the chain
  3. @setoredstone don’t be a cunt and fucking +1 twice. I caught you now, bitch.
  4. @CookieRedstone @setoredstone learn to spell, no word contains an asterisk, ever
  5. We’re necroposting now @BurgerLover1 and @Nyxis


Aka +1

Can someone explain to me why this post is still open?
I mean there really isn’t a need to bump anything anymore, we already have a compiled list of all the features the devs should work on, here