spawn grief or nah?

RedstonerOther → spawn grief or nah?

Is this ==grief==? Or Entity spam?

I know it’s not that serious but isn’t considered a bad impression if new members came on and thought the server was being griefed and just left?

the only staff on at the time were Cyber, Nyxus, and Evan rolls out
So lately I’ve seen the staff a little bit more immature. Yes, immature. They are supposed to be the role models of the server so stop acting immature. Aside from that, the main issue Spawn- “Griefing”,“Abuse” and “Entity Spam”, this is what I’m calling it. So, EvanXage, LogalGamer, and Pentanol had a base on the ‘R’ logo in /spawn (Griefing). They were spamming fire arrows via dispencer and lava with a torch burnout clock (Entity Spam) and it was aimed towards spawn, so every time players re-spawned they died.. They were distributing bows and arrows to players. Evan gave LogalGamer and Pentanol permission to build/break at /spawn (Abuse). They were invincible with fly and killing players with their flame bows (Abuse). And they called this a “Battle”. Honestly if this is how a Moderator is going to represent the staff team there’s a huge problem, I’m not directing all of the blame towards EvanXage, but this is absurd.
I kind of agree with Eli, I mean what if a new member came on the server and they kept being killed? desperately trying not to be a party pooper
Logal, even if you couldn’t build, you were still spawn killing players and killing players with your flame bow. NOT TO MENTION this was all done using the “Hit players anywhere at spawn bug?”! So I guess let’s count that as abuse aswell.
Holy shit that was a bug? Wow. I guess you’re right then? =/

Aside from that, the main issue Spawn- “Griefing”,“Abuse” and “Entity Spam”,

So a temporary 20 blocks classifies as grief? It was done by a staff member, i fail to see how thats grief.

Entity spam? really ? 100-200 arrows is hardly entity spam, since evan was there he could clean that up with 1 command, and im guessing it didn’t cause any lag so, yeah not entity spam.

And oh abuse so an arranged battle between members whilst 3 of them were outnumbered thus had enchanted bows is now abuse? Seemed like a lot of people participated. They were never invincible and fly was due to getting back on the sign.

It seems like everybody is getting a little hot headed because of staff changes, remember that this was just a little fun, and Eli you joined in and even used afk cheat for damage. Since nobody new joined the server in the time this occurred and as the editing to the redstoner R was temporary, I do not believe that this counts as grief.
Pan, It was more than 20 blocks, they had a clock running with multiple dispencers shooting fire arrows. Entity spam, was the minor part of the problem. It was a “Battle” of people that were spawn killing others with the spammed fire arrows and shooting people with their flame bows. It was not arranged, I saw no message saying that it was. They were outnumbered? Everyone saw the problem and wanted to see, so when they were spawned they were greeted by a wrath of fire arrows. Why the hell do two builders have building and breaking permissions at our main spawn. What if a new player joined, saw what was happening and thought “Wow! This server is being griefed, must not be good”. I used the /afk glitch to attempt to stop them from killing everyone. Evan un-afked me and killed me.
You joined after the battle begun, you clearly are completely out of the loop, there was a lot of people with normal bows and 3 with enchanted bows against all the other ones. What if the player joined, got welcomed and give a bow to go at it? Two sides to look at this from, and since it didn’t happen you can’t prove neither of them would happen thus its a variable to be ignored

“Griefing”,“Abuse” and “Entity Spam”

Griefing. A griefer is a player in a multiplayer video game who deliberately irritates and harasses other players within the game. We were all having fun fun, noun, amusing, entertaining, or enjoyable. The said structure was temporary. it was deleted and will not be brought back.

Abuse. noun the improper use of something I limited the /fly to them getting back to base when killed. I gave everybody bows to make it fare. We had enchanted bows because it was six of you against us thus making it fair.

Entity spam. as pan said. I could easily delete all the arrows in one command. it caused no lag and it was controled.

im gonna leave the argument, have fun people.
Fine, I see your guys’s side of the argument (but hey I joined and thought you guys were abusive, not a good impression).
All my thoughts after reading this: Why… just why…

Griefing. A griefer is a player in a multiplayer video game who deliberately irritates and harasses other players within the game. We were all having fun fun, noun, amusing, entertaining, or enjoyable. The said structure was temporary. it was deleted and will not be brought back. Abuse. noun the improper use of something I limited the /fly to them getting back to base when killed. I gave everybody bows to make it fare. We had enchanted bows because it was six of you against us thus making it fair. Entity spam. as pan said. I could easily delete all the arrows in one command. it caused no lag and it was controled.

Dont let people build on the sign. We dont care if you could clear it in a single command, It was abuse. Evan also used his alt to troll everyone. He even banned it and the alt got on unbanned. To be honest, i think he should be demoted. Its moderator, not member. You shouldnt fuck about. You can have fun, just dont spam/greif spawn.

Well now he retired from lead! Great job guys, way to fucking go.