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Hello! I’m deedo! I joined a few hours ago, I already like the community. I asked for trusted and got it after like 30 minutes… I will try to get admin tomorrow.

<3 you guys

what the actual devil monkey is this post?! so tired. i cri. night guys
your humor is questionable.
@Dico200 well don’t hold back, if you feel this doesn’t belong here I can remove it. ??
Dafuq deeedo r u high
I agree with nyx Watch old Gregg on YouTube it helps

@Nyxis no. my humor is just weeeeeeeird af. I don’t get high. ever. even if I had opportunity to be, I wouldn’t.


@ACanadianGamer ive already watched that before it KILLLLLSSSSSS so funny

My humor relates. Good job amusing the most boring person on the server.
GG @Ghirahim_ my humor is bizzare