mobGriefing in Survival
Redstoner → Community vote → mobGriefing in Survival
Should we enable mobGreifing in both the SV worlds?
Here are some starter advantages and disadvantages (marked arguments are momentous and major):
- ==Villager willingness for breeding can be much more easily achieved==
- Players can utilize the mobGreifing properties of some entities
- Endermen can pick up and place down blocks
- ==Fully automatic wheat farms can be achieved==
- ==Fully automatic iron farms can be achieved==
- Endermen can pick up and place down blocks
- ==Villagers can destroy manual wheat farms==
- Endermen (by an extremely rare chance) can build snow golems and iron golems, which can caused unwanted entities
Feel free to suggest more.
Suggestions for mobGreifing = true:
- Turning off mobGreifing if a exploding creeper is found, then turing it back on when the creeper is gone
- Use WorldGuard flags to disable endermen grieifing
- Prevent Withers from killing entities
I vote yes.
EDIT: I vote yes, only if creeper explosions can be disabled, possibly with a plugin that checks for creeper explosions every tick.
enderman greifing is an advantage… k then
lol Deeeedo off topic m8 :-P
but idgaf anymore.. X-D
Doom, based on your own opinion and the list of advantages of disadvantages, do you want mobGriefing true or false?
EDIT: OMG the offtopic spam ;-;
Command blocks
-1 for command blocks,
that will destroy us all!
@PJ, -1 for the command blocks, or the mobGriefing?
I am not implying that command blocks should be enabled; I was using them to compare how simple the concept is.
I don’t want creeper explosions or enderman to be able to pick up blocks, but villager food farms would be nice.
My idea - create a plugin that disables creeper damage & enderman picking up blocks, and turn on mobGreifing.
+1 if creeper and endermen griefs are disabled
-1 if its just mobGriefing enabled
@Doomblah, you can create fully automatic block transport (without items) with endermen, and at the same time, endermen create tiny grief.
@FullyStealth, look at the advantages/disadvantages more closely, and look at the “suggestions for mobGriefing=true” section.
Count: ==6:4==
First number: supports Second number: disagreements
endermen create tiny grief.
greif is greif, 1 block or hundreds.
Also how the hell do you make an auto enderman bock moving anything? you cant possibly control them like that
we could use hermitcraft’s enderman commandblock/plugin thingy, and also, disabling explosions :D +999999 -999991
9 supports, 4 opposing
I just counted: ==+8:6-== (including those who said +1 ONLY IF )
Additionally just to pick up what was mentioned here:
C2L its not that easy… You see, for mods to work on a server like this, requires EVERYONE to download it. Not many will like it.
Changing mob behavious is serverside. Noone would need to download anything. Yet modding the spigot.jar file is not what we want. Nope, nope, nope!
Using commandblocks or even plugins that check every tick for creepers and then change gamerules is just ridiculous. There’s better ways anyways using mv for example. Pretty much to TheWildDefender and C2L :P
We could utilize the mob griefing properties of some entities Enderman can pick up blocks
-> Why is that two different points? Shouldn’t that be just the first and toss out the 2nd? And by that I think you mean stuff like Automated wither cobble farms or what? Well I already hear the tears when your wither suddenly is gone because of /stoplag or because someone found a nicely encased wither and decided to grab a free nether star.
Additionally you forgot:
Enderman can pick up blocks out of your redstone contraption, set off your remote controlled wheat farm which destroys all of the weed because it despawns before you could clean out the storage chests, then all of your animals will fall into the waterstream of the farm and die, as well as for some reason taking all your diamonds with them.
^ That’s about the complaints I expect from this. From me? Definite ==NO==.
Updated count:
==+8:7-== including all staff that voted on the - side and a few who are giving a ONLY IF +1. So what about rounding it to ==+5:7-==?
Very accurate estimation by pepich: 8:7 ~ 5:7
Anyways, I see the supporters point of mobGriefing as a game mechanic, but I would rather not have this as it will also add additional lag to the server, aaaand a downside for staff is you can’t bomb me with twenty creepers again cough PJ, unless you intend on demolishing my base for no reason.
Unfortunately L0rd can stil shoot firballs at me. ;-;
==To PJ==: then who the hell bombed me in tsv ._.
I don’t care much about this thread anymore, so I don’t care what wins now. :-P
Oh, and even if mobGriefing is true:
- Creepers will not be allowed to explode
- Withers will not be allowed to kill entities (block breaking can be useful, and reckless ownership of a Wither could be against the rules and banishable)
- No command blocks will be used
So, calm down. :-P
9 supports, 5 opposing
creepers gunna creep