Liking posts (and possibly replies)

WebsiteWebsite feature requests → Liking posts (and possibly replies)

I am pretty sure that I have seen this request before, but I am unable to find it.

Similarly to youtube or facebook, I think it would be awesome to see just a list of “… and … like this” below each post, if it was liked. Maybe even below each reply but that might be a little bit out of the order and unnecesary. I don’t really want to see a dislike option as well though, just a like option.

This should also reduce the amount of short, useless replies like saying “Awesome!”

Major +1. I would implement this as soon as possible :) gg.

one little thing though @Dico200 i don’t see the problem with having a dislike button. In fact I like that idea, just so people can know what the majority thinks of said post.

This would be useful with lol suggestions. :D +1
Denied so many times………. I don’t think it’ll happen.
Would be cool if we had a list of top 10 most liked post. (if this gets implemented)
+1 I think this will ever come, Good idea @Dico200 !!
Bump +1 to the general post and +1 to Arhur’s idea
+1 I saw this post, and been waiting.
No -1 What’s the point.