Exploit of /lol

ArchivesProblems & bugs → Exploit of /lol


I found out that you could actually do /lol id -1 [works with everysignle value just negative] But we aren’t allowed to use /lol id 1

There for I think this is a non intended feature, there for I report this as a bug, either fix this so we can’t or we could do it, nothing in between


/lol id -1 does the hightest number lol. not a bug not being able to do /lol id 1 might be an issue
I don’t see a bug in this, ==trusted got lol id quite a while ago==. By not being allowed to do lol id 1 you mean you can’t or you’re not supposed to do it?

From looking at the code I can tell that giving negative lol ids will just make it loop through the lols in the opposite order, so -1 is indeed the last lol. However if you get a negative id further down the list, an error should be raised because the index will be out of bounds, unless it goes back to the last lol again… which I don’t believe it to do.

So really, it should check if the id is >= 0 ^^

@Dico200 if you do lol id with negative numbers, it will just count the number from the end of the lol list.
Just tested it @jomo, with the perm everything works, when I remove it, cant do either of them. In my opinion this has been resolved as not a bug.