My Building idea :D

RedstonerBuilding → My Building idea :D

Heres my small idea of building style :D want to show it so i can inspire more people to use it and make lots of awesome stuff. This building style is already claimed by Mr_BlueSheep “==Don’t say its yours==” that would be very insulting.. but if you make houses in different ways with the same style its no big deal c: just make thing where u feel comfortable with :D

heres the link (

Animated I made thi in cinema 4d, what do you think?
@Crazy2Larry thx!!!
Looks pretty cool
That looks so cool… My building skills are not as decorative as that :D
xD I don’t know how many times I’ve done that maybe because its ^(next to none) since I no use Instagram. But I click pictures, expecting that they come to life. wink wink :P

@Mr_RedSheep is a very talented person in picture editing.

@Mr_BlueSheep is a very talented, good builder.

Complements specialy made by Hardfg™

Pretty dang smexyful! Seriously, that looks awesome dude. Keep up the good work! :D