Redstoner trailer contest Voting
Redstoner → Community vote → Redstoner trailer contest Voting
Hello, recently Cookie adn I (setoredstone) held a contest. We both had to edit a video. This video was a Redstoner server trailer. We are both finished and want u guys to decide, wich one is the best? Cookie his video: ( Seto his video: (
Please vote in the comments down here!!!
(Just say “Seto” or “Cookie”)
Thank you.
Wow, my dutch editors have done a good job! It’s so good i can not choose as camera man and director. I would like you guys to put this in the description:
Actors: Hardfg5000 Mr_BlueSheep setoredstone CarpetTG Pokemon
Camera, Direction: SheepRedstone
@setoredstone c:
seto +10000000000
Made me cry, i really wish i didnt stay banned. le sine wave. but such is life.