Haider Interwebs!

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hai, I’m barrygold21, I have CDO (OCD in alphabetical order) and my CDO consists of even numbers… its real hell.. seriously. its real hell with this type. Because of my CDO, I HATE THE PLOTS ON THIS SERVER!!!! they are ==101x101== which I hate because I cant have an even enterance (D:)but I sometimes can ignore. which I love. baider nao!
But you can have a normal entrance tho, see if the number is even or uneven depending what kind of a entrance

You can have an evenly centered entrance when it has an odd width :D

How?? pls tell me :D

o yea.. derp


Maths* :P

Barry, if you are truly OCD you would hate a 100x100 plot because both axis are even, which means your plot has no proper center.
Also, if the way ‘OCD’ is spelled really bothers you, why is your username not abdglorr12? OCD targets imperfection by design, visuals, and most of the time, spacing. Since CDO and OCD are evenly spaced, you should have no problem. Remember that the alphabet really has no order, it is simply a series of symbols that we comprehend to have meaning. If you are truly bothered by the order of letters, you should consult a doctor - your condition is most likely not OCD, but may be much more serious.
Wow Uberkid. . . lol
Just saving a life here. He thinks he has OCD, but it’s probably worse if every single word he reads has to have letters in the right orders, and it bugs him enough to try to make them ordered.
no, not abdglorry12 but 12abdglorry :/