Yoshi_Gamer11 Caps, spam, and (kinda) disrespect, also advertising
Redstoner → Blames → Yoshi_Gamer11 Caps, spam, and (kinda) disrespect, also advertising
Yoshi_Gamer11 kept spamming and using caps after multiple warnings, even advertising at a certain point. His excuse?
No mods are on so nobody cares
Failed attempts
5:35 PM (UTC+5) (I believe), 10/22
Here’s some screenies. (Sorry, I needed to post logs on two of them, I was too late to scroll up in chat)
http://puu.sh/kU7s9/7ac185db7f.png http://puu.sh/kU7cn/22ccdf801c.jpg http://puu.sh/kU7qK/8a43ac16a8.png http://puu.sh/kU880/a25378ffb0.png http://puu.sh/kU86V/ecbc7b2dbe.png
Can someone else confirm the issues you’re having?
Nyxus can confirm :)
I told Lucas/Yoshi that he knows he didn’t want to get banned again since he kept talking about it when he got unbanned, but he didn’t listen still.
I saw this happen. If you really want me to I think I might be able to get chat logs.
ayy lmao +1 bump bump doot doot kiddos xxxxDDDDDD
Got the chat logs. Here they are. Note that the text he said is highlighted.
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