
Off topicIntroduce yourself! → Vipa_

I figured that now I’m a mod, it’s time I should introduce myself just slightly (7 months) late.

Hello! I’m Vipa_ and I love cubing, coding, messing with redstone, and making/playing minigames. I know Lua and Java, and I write Bukkit plugins a lot. I also write simple applications in Java for general usage. I spend a lot of my time on the Redstoner, and I don’t think I’m there to just enforce the rules, but to make the experience better for everyone. I won’t only chirp in when things get out of hand, I try to connect with everyone on the server. If you ever want to have a debate, come to me! Debate is probably one of my favorite things to do. You’ll see me constantly cracking corny jokes (Yes, I write my own content (Most of the time)) in chat and helping with more than just what staff need to help with. I try to help with everything I can, though I do prioritize my jobs. I spend much of my time ingame AFK, but usually I’m still on, just in another window coding or browsing the web. Even if you see me AFK, I’ll probably respond if you just say my name in chat. Though I’m very friendly, I get very serious when people break the rules or get on my bad side, so as long as you follow the rules and don’t try to test them, you’ll be fine. I’m still a relatively new mod, so feel free to give me constructive criticism!

Hey Vipehr c:

Do you like big doors?

Sure, but I can’t make them. The largest door I’ve made so far is a 4x4.
Vipa, want me to teach you big doors?
@ViperLordX 4x4 is still bigger than any of my doors!
My biggest is 5x5. I wanna take on a 6x6 soon tho ,_,

Huehue I feel like 12 high expandable wall >:P

Edit: my grammar, I know.

my biggest is a slimeblock 3x3 ._. Sometimes I question my rank as builder…