
RedstonerOther → How...

I’ve been wondering how mentio works… Supposedly, if a word that has been mentio’d it plays a sound and alters the chat box (mentio’d word is green), while for everyone else the word remains white (or another color if styling is being used)… How is this possible?
some crazy shit in python makes it possible
I meant how does it change word colour green for one person while keeping it the same for everybody else?
I assume Redstoner does it similarly to us, which is that the plugin “catches” the message that was sent in chat, removes the mentioned player from the list of recipients, then takes the message and adds the formatting to it.

/me can confirm that.

If you exactly want to see how it works you can always look into the sourcecode on git it’s there accessible by public :)

But it basically scans the message for any word of your mentio list, then proceeds to remove you from the recipients list if found, highlight the word in green and send you the message seperately :)

If you got any other questions feel free to ask, I’m always glad to help!

