Weird potion effects

RedstonerOther → Weird potion effects

@KILLAGIB4 Said “Everybody tp to me!” i tp’d then a potion hit me i died i couldn’t respawn I logged off the server came on with my alt. no mods on. And i realized my main was still online
report for kill potions
Yes people did tp to me and i looked up and saw a potion coming toward me and CandadianAppa. The only other person i know that was there was Stupidadi and he didnt get hit by the potion… I asked him… Also Futsy was the mod online and he could not check inventorys as i told him exactly as it happened…
@KILLAGIB4 did you get hit?
Its been fixed hopefully somebody can mark it as solved
I think someone was using an invisibility potion along with a kill potion. Report this immediately to staff; admins can use grep (along with grepping various commands that generate kill potions) to find out who did it.
@abstract_flat invisibility potions were disabled already in the first place.
@FullyStealth There are hacked ones