Tiny 6x6 glass door

RedstonerBuilding → Tiny 6x6 glass door

to see the 6x6 glass door (it was by me and Attanabil) come to redstoner then do /p h:3 IndonesianGamer_ (fyi AttanabilDoesMC’s IGN changed to IndonesianGamer_ at the moment) , in there you will find our 6x6 glass door C: its 24727. Mail Attanabil/IndonesianGamer_ to see it in action C: Greetings,

  • MikeyMatic 11/11/2015
==TOTALLY *MIND BLOWN== I can’t even make a 2x2 glass wtf . . .
FUUUU the 6x6 glass door is borken, ima ask Atta to make a new 6x6 glass door w/me :/