1.9 perspectives

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First off, 1.9 to me, is more of a realistic turn (PvP wise) of Minecraft. The addition of End Cities and Elytra has added a lot more possibilities into the game. However, let’s talk about the redstone change you all hate: the change that made redstone blocks power adjacent blocks.

This feature is useless, redundant, and only harmful to most. The change only adds obstacles to the compacting of some redstone. And, the redstone block change only makes redstone less realistic, if that is what Mojang wants: make Minecraft more realistic. I agree with L0rd that Mojang will revoke that change, because it is so hated, and if Mojang is not deaf, they would hear all of the hate and complains of the redstone block change.

ALSO, PHEW, THE REDSTONE BLOCK CHANGE WILL NOT BORKE ALL SLIMEBLOCK ENGINES (might screw with a few doe, with powering slimeblocks and fucking up pistons)

However… the change could allow for even more compact redstone. As you see… I think Xav’s nuke bomber (he’s developing it on my server) could be compacted with that change (and also be fucked up with that change).

Ultimately, the redstone block change opens and closes doors in the redstoning world. One cannot say it is bad, nor can one say it is good. In a way, it doesn’t change redstone at all.

NEW PHILOSOPHY THREAD COMING UP SOON for all you thinkers and debaters :-D

Your´e wrong, this redstone block change is terrible, why?

Well, most of all redstone builds are now broken, and in the end we didn’t get anything in return but a screwed up version of the game.

Guys, keep in mind, these are snapshots, and most features are likely to change. Remember when iron golems and zombie pigmen wouldn’t drop special items anymore without being killed by a player? It got revoked, the comunity was upset. I feel like the whole stuff with the redstone blocks will have the same destiny, to be revoked. I most certainly wouldn’t worry about this staying in the game, as this causes even more fights than the zombie pigmen thing.
@Cookie, you’re only looking from your perspective ._.

I think the redstone block change is considered a bug by now, looking at the bugtracker. It got reported by someone and a mod changed it to “confirmed” so hopefully they’ll sort it out.

Also that comparator bug isn’t fixed with the changes they made as a comparator still won’t pick up power from a block, a pressure plate, a button, lever, blablabla basically anything that’s not directionally emitting direct power into the comparator won’t be picked up. So yeah. It’s just really fucked up.

One cannot say it is bad, nor can one say it is good. In a way, it doesn’t change redstone at all.

How can you say it doesn’t change redstone at all? Like WTF 99% of all contraptions using redstone blocks will break but because there’s ONE thing that MAYBE can be improved now it suddenly is not a bad thing anymore? You got a problem with me going through your plot telling you what will break? If not then I’ll happily label 95% of the stuff you got as “borken in 1.9” if yes then you obviously just stated that the change is bullshit cause you fear me finding out what breaks and therefor already are aware of what will break but do not want it to be shown to public cause it would debunk your statement of it not being bad.


Pls no. The other one already got blown up and ended with me making a giant post destroying most of the other statements to which in the end I only got

Dat reply tho

as an aswer. As soon as I join it it’ll be fucked up again I bet :P

Note: I removed the actual (at) sign there so I won’t mention cookie to reduce spam for him :P

(at)Cookie, you’re only looking from your perspective ._.

Well no. He’s not looking from one perspective only. He takes all of the contraptions into his vision and says that most will be broken. How is that a one sided perspecitve? While you:

ALSO, PHEW, THE REDSTONE BLOCK CHANGE WILL NOT BORKE ALL SLIMEBLOCK ENGINES (might screw with a few doe, with powering slimeblocks and fucking up pistons)

are using caps to tell us how important the flying machine part of that is while looking at ONE SINGLE example:

I think Xav’s nuke bomber (he’s developing it on my server) could be compacted with that change (and also be fucked up with that change).

are looking at way more stuff than cookie is, right?

Here you actually look at more than just slimestone and say that it’s a BAD change:

This feature is useless, redundant, and only harmful to most. The change only adds obstacles to the compacting of some redstone. And, the redstone block change only makes redstone less realistic, if that is what Mojang wants: make Minecraft more realistic. I agree with L0rd that Mojang will revoke that change, because it is so hated, and if Mojang is not deaf, they would hear all of the hate and complains of the redstone block change.

but in the next sentence you state that:

One cannot say it is bad, nor can one say it is good. In a way, it doesn’t change redstone at all.

I don’t get it how can it be a good thing, a bad thing and not changing anything at all at the same time!? You w0t? Do you even logix m8?

Guys, keep in mind, these are snapshots, and most features are likely to change.

As I already said it got reported as a bug already and was flagged as confirmed bug by a moderator so I think Arhur will be correct on this one.

[…] as this causes even more fights than the zombie pigmen thing.

Sadly I don’t see that happening tho. Big channels dealing with redstone appearantly completely ignore it so far. Look at: Mumbo, Etho, Sethbling, RedstoneJazz, Panda, Pi, Sancarn, Selulance, MyrenEario, TangoTek, SimplySarc, Dico, JL2579 and so on and so on. Just to mention “a few”. I’ve seen one single video about it so far. Cubehamster got freaking mad about it. But that’s it. That’s not really the outrageous community I’d like to see. Yes I know some of those channels are doing other stuff right now. Sethbling, Xisuma and Tango are dealing with different stuff mostly. Actually Xisuma already made a video about that snapshot but didn’t even cover that “feature/bugfix”. But Etho? He just spent a shitload of time developing something for his SP world that will completely break but yet didn’t mention it. Mumbo? Well rip MrMumbo as all of your stuff will be broken pretty much but it looks like he doesn’t care. RedstoneJazz? Continues to make rs videos as if nothing happened. The other ones? Well pretty much not a single word so far but they weren’t really active in the past few days so maybe they just didn’t get around to making a vid about it yet. To me it would look like noone cared about it really. Maybe there are big redstoners that I missed (yes probably there are) but from what I see so far? The community just doesn’t care. Even the redstone community doesn’t care about it at all.

That’s my opinion on this topic so far, if you got anything like yt channels dealing with it or sth please feel free to teach me about it :)



[EDIT]: Fixed formatting issues. ._.

I was not looking from my own perspective, I think atleast 90% of all the people here can agree the 1.9 as how it is now s*cks.

Adding to @Pepich1851 , the people who ACTUALLY slimestone a ton is like 1 slimestoner out of every 15 redstoner. And with such a huge amount of doors built than flying machines, Its just like if your plot was deleted.

Also, theres a bug with this redstone block addition, there was a recent flying machine using the rsblock to duplicate tnt and infinately bomb areas.

RS block thing was removed :D
FOR REAL?????!!!!!!!!???!!!!! @_CanadianBakon if so, I b happy
Head into the latest snapshot and find out yourself :D
Would this be solved now?
I hope so.. @HardDerpinIsLoud i hope this ends, one time me and Nemes got a problem with @Alex_you about 1.9 (its solved for now)