/busy bug I found

ArchivesProblems & bugs → /busy bug I found


Here’s a little story that describes a little more about what happened before the user that used /busy (I don’t remember who):

I was talking with the person and suddenly he turned busy on.

I typed /r … And the message was sent.

What did I expect?

I was expecting that a message says that the user’s currently busy, and the message was suddenly sent.

What actually happened?

As I said before, the message was sent to the person.

Did you get any sort of error message?

No, I didn’t get any message.

How can you reproduce this problem?

I don’t really know, I guess it’s a coding issue.

Something that wouldn’t be very easy to fix, because the command doesn’t tell us who the message will be sent to, doable though but not worth.
@Dico200 Couldn’t you just use PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent, get the player’s busy status and if its true cancel the event?
Yes, but the question is which player’s busy status you’re looking for when executing a /reply command.
I found this today.. Might help if someone is actually gonna do this…

Well still you’d have to mess with essentials code. Essentials doesn’t provide an API for it so you’d have to do some weird magic or recode essentials. We need to do that anyways cause essentials has so much stuff that’s not needed but right now we gotta stick to what we have.

