Thanks, I guess.
Off topic → Other → Thanks, I guess.
Soo yeah, earlier today I had a pretty big arguement with a classmate (lasted for about an hour) and kinda got worn out for the day. Wow. I really forgot how nice the members were on this server. After coming on for about 3 hours, I was fine again. Ain’t gonna need therpy… Ever.
Anyone felt that coming online sorta relieved you for the rest of the day?
P.s, Curs3d, please don’t give additional info about the arguement.
Wah? Im not sure if the people have been kind or the opposite. Besides, considering it seems to me it was a friend, good luck knocking sense back into them.
If you’re talking about redstoner No.
I used to have this classmate named “Gee” (I’m not telling you his full name obviously)
He used to be a complete egocentric fuck and there was no way of fixing it. Some people here just remind me of him and make it worse.